Sunday, January 14, 2007

Let's Catch Up!

Happy New Year! Wow- have we ever had a busy last month and a half. Apologies to those who check the blog often- I haven't had a lot of extra time to post. One of the main reasons for the delay was Nathanael was scheduled for a double hernia surgery on the 20th- but instead of just 2 hernias, the surgeon found 4! So, for about three weeks we were taking care of him!!
Two days before the surgery Isaac celebrated his 5th Birthday. And the best news of the season, Henry our Nephew arrived from Guatamala. I will dedicate a whole post to that wonderful news.
Then there was Christmas- we were crazy and went down to the Twin Cities to be with our families. Nathanael was a trooper, but still in a lot of pain. The day after Christmas, Nathanael needed a refill on pain meds, and the process of calling it in and dealing with the pharmacy took almost all day. So the girls decided to waste the extra time and go shopping.
Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year!!!


Amy said...

Although you looked very cute sitting on the couch with all that laundry, I am happy to see a new post! Sounds like things have been busy for the Baileys. Life doesn't seem to slow down, that's for sure.

Hope you're having a great day.... Missing you!

Anonymous said...

You guys look too cute! We miss you. Lets get together really soon. I am glad that everyone is healthy now. The girls send their love. I can't believe Kayla will be 1 year in March. It is coming so soon. Take care,
Love Erin Robberstad

Anonymous said...

Hey Baileys, Shawna's blog says you got the call about your little girl in Ethiopia--Congratulations and God Bless. Your boys are adorable! Love The Odegaards